

Menopause Symptoms – Causes and Natural Treatment

Hot flashes, palpitations, irritability, and weight gain.These are just some of the symptoms of menopause. Why does this happen to women and what natural treatments can relieve menopause symptoms? Menopause Causes and Symptoms  Female menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45-55, after twelve months without...

Super Healthy Foods You Must Know. The Benefits of Superfoods.

Some call them “superfoods” due to the abundance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and a promise to make us healthier.Here are 8 super healthy...

Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts

Cassava, also known as Manihot, is an important food in the diet of tropical countries. It exists in most traditional recipes, as it is...

6 Medicinal Plants for the Your Herbs Garden

A large part of the plants that you grow in your garden for cooking, can support various medical conditions.Here are 6 medical herbs you...

Natural Remedies to Relieve Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain in infants in their first weeks of life is often caused by gases or “colic”, in professional parlance. In this post, discover...

10 Reasons and Home Remedies for Late Period

The first reason to consider when having a late period is pregnancy. However, it turns out that are other reasons for a late period. Why...

Health Benefits of Marigold Flower

Is it not a secret that nature produces wonderful medicines for health and beauty.A good example is calendula, a plant that has powerful medicinal...